
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

10+ Wives Club:Carrie

My favorite part of blogging is definitely all of the new 
bloggers I meet, and especially when I get the opportunity
to learn a little bit about their stories. 

This week on the 10+ Wives Club I want
to introduce you to Carrie.

Carrie blogs at A Lovely Little Wardrobe where she shares her 
passion of fashion and her shopping journeys, which is 
how I originally met her when she joined our 
#WhatWivesWearLinkUp community.  

Her first blog is called Love Life And Passion
This is where she blogs about a variety of her passions,
such as books, eco-green and ethical life, faith, 
fashion, food, and home life.

Through visiting her blog I came to find out 
about her strong marriage, and how it is 
all due to her relationship with Jesus Christ. 

I definitely was motivated and wanted to 
know more about her marriage. 

I'm so glad she is able to share her story today with us. 
Please welcome Carrie into the 10+ Wives Club.

1.How long have you been married?
We will be married for 20 years in October of this year.

2. How did you both meet?
Actually, we met one night in club when we were dancing.

3. How many children/grandchildren do you have?
I have one daughter {from a previous marriage} and we did not have any together.

4. What are your two favorite qualities about your husband?
My favorite qualities about my husband would be that he is adventurous

5. What do you and your hubby like to do for fun? 
We like to read Scripture and discuss it together, workout together, listen to live music by some of our community bands and basically we just enjoy hanging out and eating out together.

6. What is some advice that you would give to a newly married couple?
Always ask questions when you are having discussions or disagreements. It’s too easy to assume you understanding what the other means but many times you don’t and that causes strife. We still take the time to clarify our answers, responses and thoughts to one another to keep our communication open and honest. Also, be quick to forgive and more toward reconciliation. Don’t run from troubles but move toward them in an effort to be reconciled to one another in a loving way that honors the other spouse but more importantly, honors the Lord.

7. What would you say is the key to your lasting marriage?
I think the key to our marriage lasting is simply the grace of the Lord. We have had real struggles and real hard issues to work through especially in recent years. The ability to forgive is a blessing from the Lord. We understand the sinfulness of our own hearts and how easily we become selfish. We are able to discuss those things honestly and give each other the opportunity to work through what is really going on in us below the surface issue, while not withholding our love until the other “acts right” or “acts in a way that makes me happy”. Although we are happily married our happiness is not what is most important in our lives or marriage but rather the glory brought to God through us is vastly more significant. That brings joy which is not fleeting because it isn’t based on circumstances but rooted in God.

8. What would be one thing you would want others to remember about your marriage?
We are fallen people who sin and hurt one another yet we are committed to our marriage and honoring the Lord with it. We have struggled and yet we not only love each other deeply but we truly enjoy each other. We are still affectionate and playful as in our youth. We would hope that the name of Christ would be glorified by our marriage because of the incredible grace He has shown us, which we do not deserve. We are blessed!

I shared with Carrie after reading her responses, 
her words inspired me in my marriage.

She really made me think when she shared about us all being 
fallen people who hurt one another but we must be committed to 
honoring the Lord with our marriages.

This is something that we sometimes forget when 
it applies to our marriages.

I hope you were just as inspired by reading 
Carrie's marriage story as I was.

Be Blessed!

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