It's time to ... celebrate!
(Insert Kool & The Gang's "Celebrate" song.)
Today has so many reasons for me to celebrate.
First of all it is my birthday!
Yes ladies today God Life Happy Wife turns 35.
I can honestly say I feel happy, grateful, and wiser.
Why? because I am now at a point in my life
where I know who I am in God, and I am
forever grateful for all that I have been blessed with.
That includes my relationship with the Lord, my family,
my experiences, and friends.
Speaking of friends it is also my favorite
blogger BFF's birthday.
I found out a while back that me and Tiffany aka
Mrs Tee Love Life Laughter are birthday buddies!
No wonder why we became fast friends.
It also marks one year ago today when Tiffany began her
journey and started her awesome blog that we all love.
If those are not enough reasons to celebrate then I
don't know what else is.
When Tiffany asked me to be a part of her blogiversary
celebration I thought...what better way to celebrate!
Check out all the details below.
52 weeks, 365 days, 8765 hours all equal 1 year! That's how long I have been blessed to be a part of such an amazing community of women, writers, photographers, encouragers, DIYers and so much more! I started this Blogging journey in search of an audience for my inner voice but I have found so much more! That's why I am so happy to have you join me for the It's My Blogiversary Celebration & Favorite Things Giveaway! What better way to have a Celebration than with a few of your friends and a few of your favorite things?? First I want to introduce you to a few of those amazing women I have had the pleasure to meet this past year, my beautiful Co-Hosts:

*Rabia - The Liebers * Angie - MySoCalledChaos
* Beth - Structure In An Unstructured Life
*Natasha - Epic Mommy Adventures * Michelle - A Dish of Daily Life
* Ophelia - Latina Mama Rama
*April - 100lb Countdown * Dean - Mrs.AOK, A Work In Progress
* LeSha - The Lovely Photog
*Jhanis - The Vanilla Housewife * Tamara - Tamara (Like) Camara
* Lanaya - Raising Reagan
*Sherri - God Life Happy Wife * Stacey - This Momma's Ramblings
* Tenns - New Mama Diaries
I had so many different ideas on how to celebrate my 1st Blogiversary but all I truly wanted to do was find a way to say Thank You. Thank You to each of you: my Readers, Followers, Friends for joining me in my journey of Love, Life and Laughter. So today I am so happy to offer You the chance to Enter To Win a few of My Favorites Things!
Smile Brilliant
Custom Fit Trays With 3 Whitening Gel Syringes

PrettyInPynk - $25 Gift Code

Thanks to I have learned how to Accessorize My Inner Fashionista one affordable piece at a time. PrettyInPynk has such a wide selection of items from statements pieces, bracelets, rings, earrings and more! Whether your a style pro or a fashion newbie with this $25 Gift Code you'll definitely be able to find a look that's just right for you.
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