This is our last week of the
Celebrate Love Series.
Celebrate Love Series.
Although I'm sad to see it come to an end,
I am so thankful for all the ladies
who were a part of it.
I am so thankful for all the ladies
who were a part of it.
They each shared such unique and inspiring
stories of their love.
stories of their love.
Today I am honored to introduce
Tiffany aka Mrs. Tee
as the blogging world knows her
Tiffany aka Mrs. Tee
as the blogging world knows her
Tiffany and I recently met through our blogs and
she has quickly become a trusted supporter and friend.
she has quickly become a trusted supporter and friend.
She definitely has a gift of sharing love to others and today
she is sharing her personal love story.
Yet this is still where God brought us together. He allowed us to meet when we were both at our emotional 'wits end'. We began as friends and slowly our feelings, commitment and devotion to each other developed in more than the love you share with a friend. Our love was developing into an unconditional, emotional, physical and spiritual love. The kind where the desire of your heart is to simply aid in achieving the desires of the others. We began to realize that despite our better efforts to avoid it we had in fact 'fallen' in love.
In love there are many levels of commitment and determination to make it despite whatever odds may come against you. So why is it that when someone says they are in love they describe it as falling as if they are not willing participants? I have learned that at times because of past scars, wounds and experiences being found by love is not always least not at first.
When I met my Husband I was at a place in my life where I felt that love was simply not something meant to be for me. I assumed that I wasn't ready and this was the reason why I had not 'found' (even though now I know that it wasn't for me to find but instead to be found...Proverbs 18:22) what I considered to be my true love. It is funny to say that my Husband had reached the same point in his life. We both had been through different levels of hurt and disappointment and were simply spent by the trying of it all.
When I met my Husband I was at a place in my life where I felt that love was simply not something meant to be for me. I assumed that I wasn't ready and this was the reason why I had not 'found' (even though now I know that it wasn't for me to find but instead to be found...Proverbs 18:22) what I considered to be my true love. It is funny to say that my Husband had reached the same point in his life. We both had been through different levels of hurt and disappointment and were simply spent by the trying of it all.
Yet this is still where God brought us together. He allowed us to meet when we were both at our emotional 'wits end'. We began as friends and slowly our feelings, commitment and devotion to each other developed in more than the love you share with a friend. Our love was developing into an unconditional, emotional, physical and spiritual love. The kind where the desire of your heart is to simply aid in achieving the desires of the others. We began to realize that despite our better efforts to avoid it we had in fact 'fallen' in love.

Now don't get me wrong. Our love didn't happen by accident. We made a very clear decision to choose each other especially since we both had children and did not want to put them through any undo stress. Still I say we 'fell' in love because our love developed almost in spite of ourselves. No matter how much we tried to deny our feelings for fear of being hurt or opening old scars we still kept coming back to the truth that our love was there. That we needed to be 2 parts of a whole.
It took prayer, time and a willingness to release past hurts but we soon realized that it was because of our individual pasts that we were able to support each other's coming future both as distinct individuals, as a couple and family.
When I look back over the past 10+ years of our relationship and marriage I look back with gratefulness and recognition that without God's intervention and healing neither one of us would have submitted to the 'fall'.
So despite some of the stereotypical thoughts towards 'falling' in love I am so glad that I was blessed to fall into the arms of a man I count as my biggest support, protector and provider. A man who without his love I don't believe I would have become the woman I am today. He is truly my mate and promised covering and I hope to believe that I am the same to him. This isn't to say our life together is perfection for it is life after all. Still with our love and God as the foundation it is the together of it that truly matters.
By Tiffany(Mrs.Tee)
Tiffany a/k/a MrsTee is the owner/writer for where she shares her experiences as a Woman of Faith, Wife, Momma to her Team (4 beautiful kiddies and 2 handsome stepsons) and Friend. She believes that Love, Life and Laughter are a part of every life in some way. She enjoys sharing the stories of her Journey including her Love of God, the Life she is blessed to have with her Hubby and Kiddies as well as the Laughter she enjoys along the way. MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter is a place where Love, Life and Laughter collide to make a collage of unexpected happiness and you are invited to follow along and share in the fun.
please read week one "Giving It All Up To Get It All" here,
week two "Being Raised And Loved By A Step-parent:
I am so thankful you also were blessed with the love God meant for you. May God bless you and keep you always.
ReplyDeleteHello Crafty Zoo thanks for taking the time to visit my blog and commenting on Tiffany's story. It is a true blessing when God allows us to find that one we are meant to be with. I think that's why it is so important for us to seek God and be in-line with His will for our lives. If not we can miss these wonderful blessings. ~Sherri