About Me

My photo
Welcome my name is Sherri. I am a follower of Jesus. I have been blessed to be the wife to my best friend Markiel. I am a mother to my tween son Amari and my preschool daughter Sanai. By God's grace I have found true joy in serving my family in our home. Even amongst all the everyday craziness I know this where God has called me to be. I learn something new everyday. I also recently became a part time bible teacher at my daughter's preschool. So I have the best of both worlds.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Power Of Contentment

Being content.  Let me ask you are you content

In your life, in your current situation are you content? 

What does being content even mean?

Contentment means enjoying where you are at in life right now, while you are on your way to where you are going. 

Last August I had the chance to spend the weekend in Hershey, PA with my mom at the Joyce Meyers conference. I was looking forward to attending this conference because God has taught me so much through watching Joyce Meyers preach on t.v. She just has a way with her words, and when she speaks I can completely relate to what she is sharing.  

At the conference the first night Joyce preached about being content, and it really made me think.  

Before the conference if you were to ask me if I was content, I would have said yes! 

To me being content meant being happy, so yes I am happy with my life.  God has blessed me with so much more then I ever deserved.  How could I not be content? 

Then I thought about what contentment really meant.  Was I truly enjoying where I was at in life right now, while on my way to where I am going. The answer is...No I wasn't.

God began to convict me of times I complained that my car is old, or I didn't have enough money to get things I felt I needed because I am a stay-at-home mom, or the biggest challenge is my husbands relationship with the Lord is not where I think it should be. 
"We must totally trust Jesus to be truly content."
For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things to Him be the glory forever! Amen.  Romans 11:36

We must take our focus off our situations and put it on God.  

Reasons You Are Not Content:

1. Looking for the wrong things to fill your life

2. When we don't put God first 

3. When you don't trust God's plan

4. You forget to enjoy your life now

It may be hard to accept but the reality is, it is insulting to God to not be content.

I realized I can be content in my life even though everything may not be exactly the way I wanted it to be. 

I needed to be content in God and not my circumstances 

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret to being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, while living in plenty or in want. Philippians 4:11-12

This verse tells us that we can be content no matter the situation.

Ways To Be Content:

1. Put God first in your life.

2. Look to God to fill your life.

3. Stop giving other people or things the job of making you content.

4. Enjoy where your at right now.

5. Start speaking life by saying, "I will choose to be content today because I trust God is working in my life."

6. Have a humble attitude.

Ladies remember one of the best and most powerful things is to be content. 

Be Blessed!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

#AskAwayFriday With Tiffany From MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter

I have wanted to be a part of #AskAwayFriday for a while now.
It looks so fun and it's a good way to get to know more about 
your favorite bloggers, so here I go jumping in for the first time. 

Tiffany aka Mrs. Tee from 
mrsteelovelifelaughter asked the questions...

and I answered.

Tiffany: I admire your testimony and your faith.  It seems like we both share a common testimony in having pre-marriage children.  What advice would you give a young girl who approached you in the same situation you found yourself facing?

Me:I can totally understand that being in a situation like this can often leave women feeling totally overwhelmed, especially if they are at a young age and they may be feeling alone. I was 23 when I had my oldest son.  The thing that helped me was having a relationship with Jesus and support from my son's father(now my hubby), mother and my church. 

I was blessed to have a strong support system, but I know that is not everyones situation. Reach out to  other family members, a church, friends, even other women in the same situation. There will be times when you will just need someone else.

Also the biggest point that I realized through it all was that everything happens for a reason. Things that sometimes may seem like the biggest pain in your life at the time, God allows it to be your biggest blessing. Looking back I can see all that I experienced then made me who I am now stronger and wiser. God will even allow you to then to share your story to encourage others, and that may have been His plan all along. 

Here is a photo I saw on Facebook that really inspired me. 

Tiffany: I love how you are willing to start and create faith based series on your site.  I also love being  apart whenever I can.  How do you find the inspiration for your series such as Celebrate Love, What Wives Wear and the latest one 10+ Wives Club?

Me: I originally started my blog as a way to encourage wives to serve God in all that they do-marriage, parenting, homemaking, and more. I guess that's kind of my tagline. With that in mind I always look for opportunities to share that on my blog. I just think about the topics that I would like to read about go from there. 

For example the 10+ Wives Club series was really just my way to gain wisdom from wives that have experience in marriage and can share the good and bad, and how they got through it all.  I've always been so impressed with couples who are together for many years, and I wanted to celebrate that. God kind of dropped the idea in my head after meeting another blogger Sandy, who has been married for 24 years. She was the first member of the 10+ Wives Club. You can read her story here

Tiffany:Speaking of some of your cool series, your What Wives Wear looks are so unique.  Have you always been a fashionista or is it something that you grew into as your matured?

Me:I've have always loved fashion. I think it really started to be a passion for me when I was in high school. In my junior year when it was that time to plan for college my guidance counselor put the idea in my head to go to school for fashion. I never really thought about it before then. After graduating high school I went to the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, and majored in fashion merchandising. 

I couldn't draw so I didn't major in design. Being a merchandising major allowed me to learn how to become a buyer, which I so wanted to be. I was there for two years and loved everything about it, the fashion, friends, and being in the city. I eventually stopped going for financial reasons and planned to return after working full time and saving money.  Then I had my son and my desires and goals in life changed. 

I will always love fashion. There are times when I would love to wear the latest looks off the runway but that just doesn't fit into my lifestyle anymore. Which is why I started What Wives Wear.

Tiffany:When you need to have ‘ME’ time what do you do, where do you go?

Me: I was actually just talking about this with the ladies on Mrs. AOK's Twitter Chat. I like many other moms find my quiet time in the bathroom. It is the one place I can be alone for a little while at least. I do a lot of my praying in my bathroom. Lol! 

I don't do anything special like have a pamper day or anything. I also like to go to my meetings that I'm involved with because I can connect with other moms and chat. I go to a weekly women's bible study that I try my hardest not to miss, and once a month I go to my MOPS(Mothers Of Preschoolers) meeting. I not only have made good friends there but I have learned so much too.

Tiffany:I answered these questions on my TMI Vlog and thought they were fun so I’m going to ask you a few of them: 
Last person you talked to?
Favorite flavor of sweet?
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

Me:The last person I talked to was my daughter. She is my little sidekick so she is usually by my side. Plus she will be four next week so she's at that age where she likes to talk a lot. I hear a lot of "Look mom!" She likes to share everything with me, from a dance that she will all of a sudden make up to something funny on t.v. She has such a fun personality.

My favorite flavor of sweet is peanut butter. I grew up loving to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and honestly I still do. There are still nights that I will skip dinner to eat one or two sandwiches. Plus I love Reese's peanut butter cups. I mean come on how can I resist those. I avoid buying them because I will finish the whole bag in one day.

I have to admit I've gotten a lot better at this. I used to take forever but now I would say about an hour including my shower. I have learned to simplify my routine. I don't go crazy over picking my outfits anymore. During the week it's usually leggings or my favorite pair of jeans and I just keep switching my shirts and add a different scarf. It works for me. 

Tiffany:Spring is officially here!  What is your favorite Spring Time activity?

Me:Like I said my daughter's birthday is next week so celebrating her birthday as well as my hubby's birthday at the end of April are my two favorite Spring Time activities.  My family has a tradition were we all get together for each others birthdays and have food and cake. This includes my parents, sister's family, and brother's family. I love when all the kids get together. It's always a fun time.

Tiffany:Name one or two things on your Ultimate Blogger wish list (it can be tech or where you’d like to be in the future).

Me:Right now I have been on the hunt for a good DSLR camera. I would love to have better photos for my blog, especially for the What Wives Wear series. Right now I'm using a combination between my horrible phone camera and the iPad. I dropped a few subtle hints to my hubby maybe I can get one for mothers day. I know you recently got a beautiful camera from your hubby, maybe we need to get our hubbies together to have a little talk. Lol!

BONUS:Tiffany: Are you a part of the Coffee Crew or Team Tea? :D

Me:Definitely Team Tea! I tasted coffee one time when I was a little girl, and I was turned off from it ever since. I love red teas. Anything raspberry or cranberry is good for me. The one bad thing is I put a lot of sugar in my tea so I need to work on that. 

That was just a little about me. I hope you got to know me better. 
Go to mrsteelovelifelaughter to read my questions and Mrs.Tee's answers.

Be Blessed!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Liebster Award

I was so honored when I woke up on Friday morning and saw on my Facebook page that I had been nominated for a Liebster Award by Jennica from Faith Filled Home

I want to give her a big Thank You for thinking of me and picking me to receive this award.

To be honest I had no idea what it was but I was truly grateful to be nominated. This is the reason why I blog. The fact that God uses my words and my blog to inspire others completely humbles me and blesses my heart, especially since I know that it's not me and it's all God who uses me. 

After reading up on what it was all about I found out that there are a few rules to accepting the award:

1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog and answer the questions they presented.
2. Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
3. Copy & paste the pink Liebster Award logo to your blog.
4. Nominate 3-5 blogs to receive the award who have less than 3,000 followers. Create a new list of 11 questions for them.
5. Inform them of their nomination.

Here are my answers to the questions presented to me:

1. What/who pushes you everyday to be the person you are?
First I am a woman of God so I live my life everyday according to God's word.  Everyday I strive to grow closer in my relationship with God.  I do this by praying and reading my bible.  Now of course I am always making mistakes and learning lessons the hard way pretty much on a daily bases, which is how I get most of my material for my blog posts.
Second I would say my family.  Being a helpmate to my hubby and a good example of Christ to my kids drives me each day to do 
my best.

2. Who do you look to as a role model?
My husband is my role model.  He has so many qualities that I admire. For example his honesty, his work ethic, and his social skills, to name just a few.  These are all the qualities that attracted me to him.  I learn so much fro him.  He has helped me to be a better person.

3. If you could go anywhere for 2 weeks where would you go and why? 
I would go to Negril, Jamaica.  That is the place my hubby and I had our honeymoon, and it was beautiful.  We have so many great memories of being there.  I would love to return and create new memories, maybe on out 10 year anniversary.  

4. When you were 10 what did you want to be when you grew up? 
I do remember at one point I wanted to be a teacher.  I did work as a teachers assistant for 6 years at a school for the Deaf, which I loved.  I also taught Sunday school at my church for a while until my daughter was born, so I guess I can say that I accomplished my childhood dream.

5. Pool, lake, river or ocean?
Considering that I swim well enough to be able to survive, I would pick the pool.  It's safer for a non-swimmer like me, but what about the hot tub? That would be my first option...it's so relaxing. 

6. If you could go back to when you were 16 would you change anything?
I would try to be more social by being more involved in school clubs and activities. I was very shy, so I would be intimidated to start something new.  Though I did end up joining a few clubs that I thought looked good on my records for college. 

7. If you could sit down and talk to any one person dead or alive who would it be and why? 

This is a hard question, but the first person that came to mind was my grandma. I always admired my grandparents relationship and their strong love for one other.  They were married for over 60 years. To read more of their story click here.  I would love to talk to my grandma about marriage and get some great advice from her experience.

8. What drove you to start a blog?

After checking out a few marriage blogs, and I thought to myself can do that.  I felt it would be a good way for me to connect with  other wives and share my desire to encourage wives to serve 
God in all that they do.  I kind of fell into being a blogger, and now I love it.

9. What is your favorite book?

Well this one is easy, my favorite book is the bible.  It is my life's  guide.  Any questions or concerns I have I just go to my bible.  In the beginning it was a little hard for me to understand but now have learned to pray for God to give me understanding of His word.   This is the one and only book that has truly changed my life.I was so excited when my hubby bought me a beautiful new bible a couple of weeks ago.  It is pink/brown leather with my name on it.  

10. Share your favorite quote.

This is a new quote that I recently found on Facebook by Lecrea, who is a christian hip-hop artist.  
It reminds me to seek acceptance from God only.  He is the one and only true judge.

11. What is the one think you would like to learn or study?

I would like to learn how to sew with my sewing machine.  My hubby got me a fancy sewing 
machine on Christmas 2012, after I kept saying I wanted to start making my own clothes.  
To this day the sewing machine is still sitting in the box by my bed, because I have not figured out how to use it.  It has become a nice little table in the meantime.

I am nominating the following ladies because they motivate me to keep blogging and their 

blogs inspire me:

1. Tiffany@Mrsteelovelifelaughter

2. Mrs. AOK@Mrs aok-a-work-in-progress

3. Jackie@Best Life At Home

Here are the questions for my nominees:

1. Are you an early riser or a night owl?
2. What is your favorite social media site and why?
3. You're stuck on an island and could only bring 3 things what   
would they be and why?
4. lipstick, lipgloss, or lip balm?
5. What is your favorite flower?
6. What is your favorite song to jam to in the car? 
7. If you could switch blogs with one blogger who would it be?
8. What is your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate? 
9. If you could relive one moment in your life what would it be?
10. Which one cartoon character are you most like?
11. What is your favorite dessert?

Be Blessed!

Friday, March 21, 2014

What Wives Wear:Springtime Fun

Now that spring is officially here
it's time to reflect that with our fashion.

With the warmer weather, and sunnier days
it's time to pull off some of those layers, and 
put on those spring dresses and brighter colors.

This week 
What Wives Wear
features Rachel from 

Rachel has a fun, unique and quirky style
that comes through in both her blog and 
her personal style.

When I asked Rachel to send me photos of 
one of her favorite outfits, she immediately sent me 
photos of a casual, fun, and colorful spring dress.

I was completely impressed with Rachel's talent
when I realized her dress and sash were all handmade.

Dress & Sash:Handmade by me
Hair accessory:Booth at Craft Show

I love the color and pattern of this dress.
It's perfect for the season.

Rachel made the look comfortable and casual 
with colored tights and Chucks.

Ladies remember to have fun with your look. 
Bright colors and fun patterns help us to 
welcome in the season.

Be Blessed!

Check back next week for another great look.

For any wives who would like to be featured on

What Wives Wear

Please contact me at 


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Click Chicks Challenge:Spring

Yaaay! Today is the first day of spring. 
After a loooooong winter this is really
something to celebrate. 

Now todays weather doesn't exactly scream spring 
but...it's not as cold. I'll take what I can get at this point.

I'm just happy that the snow is finally beginning to melt, 
well except for that one big mountain of dirty snow 
that sits right outside my apartment from the snow plows. 

Everyday it's definitely getting smaller and smaller. 
My husband assures me that it will be gone by April.

I'm so sick of looking at that dirty thing. 
So to that I say,"Welcome Spring!"

It's time for this weeks edition of
Click Chick Photo Challenge 
Hosted by 
Krystal@krystalskitsch.com, and

This weeks prompt is what? 
Can you guess? Spring

When you think of spring there's so many things 
that come to mind like flowers, birds, warmer weather,
even longer days.

For me the first sign of spring is something very 
specific, and very delicious. 

I look forward to it every year on the first day of spring.

Rita's free ice day!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

10+ Wives Club:Elissa

When a couple has the same goals and their lives are moving in 
the same direction, that is truly a special and beautiful thing. 

When that very goal is putting God first in your marriage 
it is the foundation for a strong, and lasting marriage.

Today we are celebrating Elissa. 
First she has a heart for God and she shares that on her blog

Second her heart is with her wonderful husband Kern.
Read more about their marriage in her interview.

1. How long have you been married?

This June, 2014, will be twelve years.  We got marriage June 30th 2002.

2. How did you both meet?

We met at church. Moving away from one home church, in Miami, I was looking for another home church. A friend suggested that we attended a church in her area, and there was where I saw my husband—to be.
I was sitting two rows away from the pulpit. I inhaled the moment he came into my sight. I can still seem him now! His tailor suit hugging his tall slim body, the way he walked close to the wall allowing his squared shoulder to slightly brush against it. His back straight, his head held high, and his slender fingers holding his sword—the Bible, close to his right thigh.
I exhaled as he took his place at the piano. Handsome and talented, now that’s my kind of guy.  So, throughout the service, it was hard not to steal a glare or two at the handsome piano man.  

3. How many children/grandchildren do you have?

God blessed us with five pregnancies, but only two beautiful babies graced our arms.  Our daughter will turn 7 years this May. Our son will be 5 years this May also.
He was due to arrive in April but he came May 1st.  However, watching them together I believe he was born to drive his sister crazy, and the first step was cutting in on her birth month.

4. What are your two favorite qualities about your husband?

I love the way he loves God, and is not afraid to shows his dependency upon Him. Over the years, he has taught me a great deal about the history of the Bible.  Along with helping me understand that, the Bible is not a fairytale book written for our amusement.
Far from it, the Bible chronicles real history, written by real people, in a real time zone not so long again. This knowledge as helped me to deepen my understanding of God’s words, and for that, I will ever be grateful to him.  
I, likewise, love the way he adores his children and is not afraid to let these feeling shows.  After a long hard day, it’s a joy to watch my husband’s eyes light-up when he opens the door, drop to his knees, and welcome his children’s embrace.

5. What do you and your hubby like to do for fun?

We are homebodies and very much old-souls.  Our idea of fun is being home with the children, in each other’s company. School and work take up a great deal of his time. Nonetheless, we find time to watch old sitcoms like ‘the honeymooners’, ‘the Jefferson’, ‘I Love Lucy’. In addition, we live for old movies like Ben-Hur and To Kill a Mockingbird—the oldies but goodies. Saturday’ afternoons are our favorite; because our family goes for long drives to explore the beauty of the countryside.

6. What is some advice that you would give to a newly married couple?

Much to my surprise, there are good and bad advice folding around on the World Wide Web about how marriages should look. It’s hard for newlyweds to dig through and find what works and what don’t.
I strongly believe there is no teacher like time and experiences.  

First and most important put God first, period.
Make God the center of your marriage and everything else will fall into place.  When the storms of live comes, and they will come, God will be the only one able to stand-up and say ‘peace storm, be still.’

Second, keep your private life private. Never complain to anyone outside of your home about your private problems. You and your husband need to take all your problems to God first. Your parents, or even friends, may have the best of intentions but they will take sides, God doesn’t. 
Take your burdens to God and leave them there.

Third, learn to appreciate each other’s recreational quest. Let your interests be compatible.  My husband is a big football fanatic.  Me, not so much. However, I have grown to understand the game. I cheer for or against my husband’s team, and, I always paid close attention to what’s going on in the world of football.
Now, I am not saying you have to know every aspect of his hobbies or interest, but at least show him you are open to learn and grow. This is crucial because a couple that’s divided will never stand.

Fourth, love spending time with yourself.
Spending time together is good, but don’t rely on your husband for your totally happiness.  Happiness comes from understanding your purpose in life and whom God as design you to become.
Try to be selfless, giving more than you are willing to receive—it will come back to you.  Find a hobbies, something you love doing at home—cooking, watching cooking shows, whatever it may be, do that and you both will be happier for it.  

Fifth, please, don’t compare your marriage to others wishing it to be yours. Not all marriages, or people, are the same. We all have to learn by trials and errors.
Simply complimenting you husband each day can make a world of different in your marriage. Men love to be praise. They want to know that you appreciate them.
Enquiring about his day is also a great booster for your relationship. It creates space for togetherness and conversation. Unlike us, most men are not hasty to express themselves so; listen if he is willing to talk, if he isn’t just let it go. He will talk soon enough—I am still learning this after eleven years.
Finally, Look to God to give you wisdom to perfect your own marriage. Your marriage is scared and was design just for you.

7. What would you say is the key to your lasting marriage?

We have tried to put God first, and each other second, in everything we do. I never let an argument go for too long.  About a year into our marriage, I fashioned the fifteen minutes rule. Fifteen minutes or less of protesting my side of an argument and then I shut my mouth—well until I am in the shower by myself. It has worked thus far.  
In addition, my husband continues to be my best friend-seriously.  He always knows how to put a smile on my face with just the raising of his eyebrows.
I believe, if he makes you laugh more than he causes you to cry, you have a lasting marriage.
We love spending time together, but individual space is always vital.  I have learned to give him space and not be resentful in doing so.  I pray for my husband well-being daily. Asking God to protect and keep him in all areas of his life—unquestionable, he does the same for me. These are some of the things, I believe, that has kept our marriage strong.

 8. What would be one thing you would want others to remember about your marriage?

I would want my marriage to be remembered as one of love and respect. One in which God was in the center of all we did, in and outside of our home.
It is easy to be upright outside the home. However, how we treat each other when no one is watching, that is the true test of a marriage. Never worry about what others thinks of your marriage. Live your lives to please God.  

I am so thankful to meet Elissa and have her share her marriage story. 
God is definitely using her marriage to bless so many others.

Be Blessed!

Please take some time to visit Elissa. This is where she can be found.
AboutMe: about.me/ElissaP

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